
Dare to travel with the Daredevils Contest

Skyscanner is giving a Chance to all Bloggers to Participate in "Dare to travel with the Daredevils Contest"  and win a Chance to Fly with the players of the Daredevils Team or get an opportunity to meet and greet the players at an exclusive event.
Everyone loves Travelling.Travelling is a beautiful mix of Adventure,relaxation,learning and Lots of Fun.Its a way to unwind from Hectic Schedule.But If it is not Planned properly,It can turn into nightmare specially for players when they travel away from home.They must feel comfortable and Happy when they get ready for the Big test.

Travel tips

 1)Planning Should be done in Advance.
2)Proper Sleep 

 It is important to take care of our Health when we are Travelling.

 1)Proper Diet Should be taken.
2)Alcohol Intake Should be limited
3)When we Fly across different time Zones ,the Differing amounts of light can change our Internal body clock which may cause Upset Stomach,Insomnia or Tiredness.So players must keep their body hydrated. 
4)Cabin air is extremely Dry sometimes reaching 5% humidity instead of the optimum level comfort of 5o percent.
5)Use and intensive hydrated face cream on the day of departure and moisturise your body thoroughly.

 During the Flight 

 1)Drink lots of Water.
2)Avoid Alcohol.

 Post Travel 
1)Take a longer Shower than Usual Just to feel more refreshed.
2)Don't eat Spicy or Oily Food.
3)Use Face Hydrating Mask

If Players follow all these tips,they will Surely not face any problem when they get ready for the big test against the Opposition on the Field.

 A true #DelhiDaredevil Fan # Delhite #ApneMundeRocks Skyscanner